Monday 4 February 2013

Production quality Play apps. - part 2 - Puppet module

In the previous article, I went through a few common options for getting your Play code onto a target system in a controlled manner.

Now, here's the puppet module I use for configuring and running the Play application itself - you can download it from -  This should be easy to get working with some basic Puppet experience.

Unpack play_framework_apps_with_puppet.tar.gz , and you should see two modules - "example_play_app", and "play_framework".

The "play_framework" module is a puppet defined type. The idea is you call it, as in  example_play_app/manifests/init.pp

  # this defined-type does all the heavy lifting to create a service
  # for play_framework stuff, we just need to feed it a name and uid/gid
  play_framework::play_service { "${module_name}":
    play_uid => '995',

Example Play App module

By default, they play app will take it's name from the module name - so likely you'll want to rename it at some point. After you've renamed the module directory and class name, you need to choose a free UID to run your play application under. The name of the user created will be named after the application. Beware - avoid hypthens in puppet module names! It is possible to use hyphens, but it will complicate things.

After you've chosen a name and UID, take a look at the templates directory for the example play apps.

The first file is the logger configuration - you should configure your play application to look for this file, and configure it appropriately

The second is the script used to start the application - you should adjust this to your needs.

#!/usr/bin/env sh
exec java -Dhttp.port=9000 \
-Dhttp.address= \ \ \<%= module_name %>/jmxremote.password \<%= module_name %>/jmxremote.access \ \
-Djava.rmi.server.hostname=<%= ipaddress %> \
-XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC \
-Xloggc:/opt/<%= module_name %>/logs/gc.log \
-XX:-OmitStackTraceInFastThrow \
-XX:+PrintGCDateStamps \
-verbose:gc \
-Xms256M -Xmx256m \
-server  \
-Dconfig.file=/etc/play/<%= module_name %>/env-application.conf \
-Dlogger.file=/etc/play/<%= module_name %>/env-logger.xml \
-cp "/opt/<%= module_name %>/lib/*" play.core.server.NettyServer /opt/<%= module_name %>/

In this application we're using Netty, configured to run on port 9000 and JMX is enabled with a username/password. Java heap size is set to 256Mb, CMS GC is enabled, GC logging is enabled. All of the file locations use the puppet module name.

The third file -  env-application.conf.erb  - contains application specific configuration. Use this to set configuration that varies between environments - ie where a database server is located.

Play Framework module

The defined type module may need some adjusting for your environment, the one I use is configured for Ubuntu, using Upstart to run the Play service.

Again, take a look in the templates directory for this module.
The JMX files relate to the usernames/passwords and permissions for JMX connectivity. See this document to set this up correctly. My templates use puppet variables to allow for multiple play apps/jmx passwords. Either set these variables in your site manifests via extlookup, or hardcode the JMX config into the modules (not recommended for good security!)

The Upstart file is used to start, stop and monitor the Play application.

description "<%= play_service_name %>"
start on filesystem
stop on runlevel [!2345]
respawn limit 10 5
umask 022
oom never
env PLAY_SERVICE_HOME="/opt/<%= play_service_name %>"
post-stop script
        rm ${PLAY_SERVICE_HOME}/RUNNING_PID || true
end script
exec start-stop-daemon --start -c <%= play_service_name %> -d ${PLAY_SERVICE_HOME} --exec /etc/play/<%= play_service_name %>/start

Upstart will ensure the application is running, monitor it via it's PID, and restart it if it crashes. You should be able to start/stop/restart the service with "service example_play_app <stop/start/restart>"

Hopefully this should be enough to get your play application started and running. Next time, I'll briefly cover using JMX to monitor and tune the JVM of your Play application.

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