Friday, 1 February 2013

Production quality Play apps. - part 1 - Automatic Deployment

I've been working with a lot of Play applications recently, and was asked to share how I built the automatic deployment, config management, integration into Linux, etc.

In this post I'll cover the automatic deployment options, and it will be solely focused on how to get binaries onto systems in a controlled and repeatable fashion.

Automatic Deployment 

This all assumes you have a working build of your Play application already.

I'm showing the raw commands to run to get it to work, but this all should be scripted/automated with your automation system of choice. Here's an example shell script, but Mcollective or Saltstack should work too.

Method 1 - Quick and dirty - Deploy straight from Jenkins

This is quite simple, and perfect for a fast deploy from a Build/Test system. I would recommend not using this for production deployments, as it's difficult to guarantee the exact version of what you're deploying!

This assumes you have a working Play app build in Jenkins, and successfully built binaries, usually with SBT's "dist" command.

On your target server to run the Play application.
wget -nv http://<jenkins_server>/job/<play_jenkins_job>/lastSuccessfulBuild/artifact/*zip*/ -O /tmp/play_deploy/archive-<play_app_name>.zip

This just retrieves the latest Jenkins artifact for the build job, and writes it to a known location on disk
 unzip -q -o /tmp/play_deploy/archive-<play_app_name>.zip  -d /tmp/play_deploy/
Here we unpack the Jenkins ZIP artifact, to reveal the actual Play ZIP file.
cd /tmp/play_deploy/ unzip -q /tmp/play_deploy/archive/dist/<play_zip_name>-*.zip
Here we've unpacked the SBT built ZIP distribution of the Play libs.
sudo /bin/rm -rf /opt/<play_service_name>/lib
Clean up the final destination for the Play app - assuming you've stopped it already!
sudo /bin/mv /tmp/play_deploy/<play_unzipped_dir>-*/* /opt/<play_service_name>/ "
The result of this should be /opt/<play_service_name>/lib filled with the libraries from your Play application. You will likely have to tweak the names slightly, as the outer ZIP wrapper is related to the name of the Jenkins job, and the inside ZIP name is related to the Play project name.

At this point, you're ready for Puppet to take over.

Method 2 - Deploy from a binaries file store.

It's quite common to use a build system to populate a filesystem based binary store. eg. /mnt/play_binaries/<play_project_name>/<version>/<project_name>.zip

Implementing this is outside the scope of this article, but I'd use the Copy Artifact plugin in Jenkins.

To deploy from this, use wget/rsync or similar to copy the file to your target system in the /tmp/play_deploy/ directory, then, as the previous example

cd /tmp/play_deploy/ 
unzip -q /tmp/play_deploy/archive/dist/<play_zip_name>-*.zip 
sudo /bin/rm -rf /opt/<play_service_name>/lib
sudo /bin/mv /tmp/play_deploy/<play_unzipped_dir>-*/* /opt/<play_service_name>/ "

Again, at this point you should have /opt/<play_service_name>/lib populated with the Play application libraries, and you're ready for Puppet to take over the next step.

Method 3 - Deploy from Maven.

This assumes you've published your binaries to Maven, using SBT or similar, as in this example.
Be aware that SBT 0.11 does not properly generate the Maven metadata, the result of which is asking for the "latest" version will not work, but asking for a specific version will. See here for a solution, particularly the sbt-aether-deploy plugin.

If you chose to use Maven for deployment, be sure you know the difference between Release and Snapshot versions, so you're able to guarantee the versions of your code, and all dependencies in each production release.

To deploy, you'll need a custom maven XML file like this one, on the target system. - call it <play_app_name>.xml

<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">
<artifactId>my_play_artifact name</artifactId>

Assuming you've got your local Maven config set up correctly (ie. your ~/.m2/settings.xml as in this example ) so Maven on your target system can see your internal Maven repo, you can now use Maven to request your libraries.

cd /tmp/play_deploy/ 
mvn -U    dependency:copy-dependencies -f <play_app_name>.xml

This should result in the version you selected in the XML file being deployed to the path you specified in the XML file, along with all dependencies required to run it.

Now, as before, move it to the correct place.

sudo /bin/rm -rf /opt/<play_service_name>/lib
sudo /bin/mv /tmp/play_deploy/<play_service_name>-*/* /opt/<play_service_name>/ "

 Now the code is deployed, you're ready for Puppet to take over.

Method 4 - System Packaging

Systems Admins already have tools to automatically check/deploy/upgrade the software on the systems under their control. RPM and deb are the most popular formats for Linux

Converting Play applications (typically distributed in ZIP format) into these formats is a little more involved, but worth it for larger system estates. I'll describe the process, but the specifics are a little outside a blog post. Perhaps I'll cover it in the future.

Essentially, the idea is as part of your build process, to take the ZIP file, convert it into a RPM/deb, then upload it to your repository. Then it will be available to be installed, using native OS commands, as if you were installing a new version of Apache HTTPD.

This project aims to bring this support natively to SBT, but until then, you're going to have to script this yourself, with the help of some Jenkins plugins like this.

Next time I'll cover the Puppet module I use to automate the configuration and integration of the Play app into the Linux environment.

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